Sunday, June 22, 2014

Lagoon Trail

We have the best biking trail here in Farmington. It starts by Lagoon, runs behind it by the animals and is pretty much shaded the entire way. It ends at the Farmington Pond. It can be a little tricky at the end because of the hills and the kids in the trailer, but it's worth it! My parents came down and we decided to take our bikes and go. Ryker and Sawyer pretty much had it made the whole time, riding in the trailer and eating candy. Let's just say I might've walked up the hills at the end. It wasn't a light load! Sawyer loved seeing the animals at Lagoon and it's fun to watch people on Rattlesnake Rapids. Once we got to the pond, papa helped the boys make a little dam out of rocks in the stream. Ryker even found a whole rock collection but we convinced him to leave it up there and we would come visit it. We scrounged up some snacks and fed the swans before we had to head back. Other then the hills on the way to the pond, it is a nice, easy bike ride to do as a family. Especially on the way back! I can't wait until we can go again.

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