He's here and we couldn't be happier!! Especially me. So nice to not feel like I have a basketball in my stomach anymore.
Tuesday afternoon I headed in to my appointment with Dr. Spencer. I was feeling ready to have a baby, but he hadn't said anything about inducing me so I wasn't sure what would happen. With my previous babies I've had high blood pressure, but this time around I didn't so I didn't have an induction date yet. Two weeks before he'd checked me and I was a three but he hadn't checked me since. Well, he checked me and said I was a five plus. Then he asked me if I wanted to head to the hospital to have a baby. OF COURSE I DID!! He was nervous that I would go into labor and I wouldn't have time to get my full course of antibiotics because I was GBS positive this time around. I called Brad so excited and he came and picked me up and I headed home to pack. When Coop heard that I was going to have Sawyer he said, "Today is the most awesomest day ever!!" So cute!
Coop had his last soccer game that evening and luckily my parents were coming down to watch. Brad headed to the soccer game and waited for my parents while I packed everything at home. My parents got there and my nice dad filled in as coach so Brad could come back home and get me.
We arrived at McKay Dee around seven and they got me checked in and started on penicillin. They told me I couldn't have the baby before 11:15 because the antibiotic has to run for four hours. I was having some contractions but not a ton and was feeling pretty good. Around nine I started to have a little bit of pain so I asked for my epidural. I wanted to make sure I had it. They put it in and I was feeling great. At 10:45 they broke my water. I could tell the contractions started coming fast because I could still feel the pressure. Then the pain started coming again and I started to get nervous. I was pushing my button but nothing was happening!! Oh no!! I started getting flashbacks of Ryker's delivery. I told the nurse I was in pain and she paged the anesthesiologist. He came in an gave me a quick push of medicine and it kicked in about ten minutes later. Good thing because a little bit after that Sawyer was born!! I found out that I dilate so fast at the end that the epidural doesn't keep up with the pain. That's why he had to come give me more medicine. The MD came in and gowned up and I was more then ready to push. It was hard to wait. Two pushes later Sawyer was here. Easiest delivery ever!! He was born at 12:21 am on Wednesday, October 5. Weighing in at 6 pounds 8 ounces, 20 inches long. He is my littlest baby and didn't have any bruising or cone head because everything went so fast. So perfect! He was wide awake for two hours after. He kept making these little moaning noises and squeaks. Thankfully that has stopped!
Me Before:
Happy family!
Dr. Spencer
Right after his first bath. He loved the heat lamp.