Monday, July 20, 2009


After four years I FINALLY got around to re-finishing my expensive Walmart clock. haha (I bought it there on clearance for sixty bucks) Melissa was over and suggested we finish it. I got the great idea from her in the first place. It wasn't an easy feat with Kolman and Coop hanging around wanting to "help" and Kate and Ryker needing attention...but I am so excited its done. It looks great! Thanks again Melissa!!!




Katie Jane said...

It looks AWESOME!!!

The Bucks said...

I'm impressed, it looks so good! That is something that would have sat in my garage for years and years before I attempted to refinish it and ruin it completely.

Sheena Larkin said...

I love what you did with your clock, isn't it amazing what a little paint can do? I also have a clock that I have been wanting to paint and you have now inspired me but I have a few questions. Did you sand it down before you painted it? Did you use spray paint, if so what kind? And did you put a finish on it when you were done?