Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Kids

Just a few random picks of my cute kids. Coop and Sawyer have a cute little bond. Sawyer gets so excited to see his oldest brother and Coop loves playing with Sawer. Ryker decided his Happy Meal box made a pretty cool helmet. We thought it was pretty awesome too. Coop lost his first tooth last month. I don't have any pictures because I was at my moms house, but she does. Before he lost it I took a picture of the tooth that came in before his other tooth was even out. Don't know where that comes from. Mine never did that! His second tooth did the same thing! It is coming in and the other one isn't even out yet. Guess it's time to wiggle it!

1 comment:

The Bucks said...

Xander's teeth did the same thing. Your boys all look so much alike, they must have the same parents or something.