Sunday, January 27, 2008

Porn for Women--Rated G

So, I got this as an email and thought it was hilarous. I decided to share. Enjoy! (Click on the pictures to make them readable)


carlyl said...

I am laughing so hard right now. That is so funny, we need to send that to all the men out there. P.S can you forward that to me?

Katie Jane said...

That is awesome. I can't wait to show Jerm...shoe shopping sounds good for dinner. I just love your blog. It always makes me laugh.

Jen said...

Hahahaha! I think that is too funny. Thanks for the good laugh...

The Bucks said...

That is everything I want to hear from my husband. Isn't it strange that no matter how full the garbage can is, they don't take it out until they're asked?

Trisha said...

I loved that, I think my favorite was the craft fair one:)
I'm going to email Zach a link :D

Mindy said...

Wow, who would have thought looking at your blog today would get me so turned on! I too loved the crafts fair one. Crafts Fair? ...well anything over watching the NFL would get me excited.

Chelsea said...

Perfect! Love it! Cooper is adorable...handfull or not, he's a cutie pie!