Cooper is continually growing up right before my very eyes. He seems so old lately. I guess he is getting bigger, but he is still only two! He says the funniest are just a few examples.
We have tried to teach Cooper there are some words we just don't say. He knows we don't say stupid, suck or crap. He tells me this everyday, "Mom, we don't say stupid suck or crap." Kind of defeats the purpose. Anyway the other day I was sitting there and Cooper said, "Oh My G.." Yup. Apparently he heard it on TV with Brad. (I don't have to take credit for that one). We drilled into his head that he shouldn't say those things. Well, then church comes along and we have to explain to a two-year-old when we can and can't say God. Not too easy.
Well, now that Coop knows all these words we don't say he has no words left to say when he's mad right?? Well, this is what I got today when he was mad at me, "Mom, you're a BAD WORD." Well, I guess that works. He also just yells out, "BAD WORD" if he's mad. It's hilarious!
Cooper goes to time out for calling someone stupid so he knows he can't say it. Well, what do you do? You invent new words. A few weeks ago it was "Stooka". Mom, you're "stooka". Well now it has evolved into "Stupa". I am having a hard time getting mad at him for saying something that isn't even a word...Even though I know what he is calling me and he knows it. Dang stooka and stupa. What will he come up with next?